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IPERS does not provide a cost-of-living adjustment to most retirees. Once you retire, your benefit amount is guaranteed for life but won't ever increase. IPERS isn’t intended to be your sole source of retirement income. We encourage our members to save for retirement.

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Favorable Experience Dividend (FED)
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The FED was issued to members who retired after June 30, 1990, or to their beneficiaries. This program expired in 2014. By law, IPERS cannot transfer additional funds until the Trust Fund is fully funded. 

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November Dividend

This dividend is only available to members who retired on or before June 30, 1990. Eligible members receive the payment once a year. It does not increase a retiree's monthly benefit amount. 

Annual Adjustment of Allowance 

Sheriffs/Deputy Sheriffs members who retire on or after July 1, 2024, may annually receive a 1.5% cost-of-living (COLA) adjustment. Sheriffs/Deputy Sheriffs members who are eligible for the COLA must meet these criteria: 

  • You are vested.
  • You are at least 50 years old when you end employment as a Sheriff/Deputy Sheriff.
  • You have at least 22 years of eligible service. Eligible service includes time worked in Sheriffs/Deputy Sheriffs or Protection Occupations membership groups.
  • You retire on or after July 1, 2024.  
  • You end IPERS-covered employment as a Sheriff/Deputy Sheriff. 

Note: Sheriffs/Deputy Sheriffs members who retire with Special Service disability benefits are not eligible for the COLA.  

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