FY2025-FY2030 Strategic Plan
IPERS' strategic plan describes the future IPERS wants to create, represents our vision, creates a drive for organizational change and performance, and determines how to request and allocate resources, and measure results. (PDF, 1.3 MB)
FY2024 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report
IPERS staff compiles comprehensive financial, investment, actuarial and statistical information for the previous fiscal year. (PDF, 4.4 MB)
FY2024 Summary Annual Financial Report
IPERS staff compiles an annual summary of financial, investment, actuarial and statistical information for the previous fiscal year. (PDF, 718.6 KB)
FY2023 CEM Pension Administration Benchmarking Results
CEM Benchmarking, an independent company that reviews pension systems, compares IPERS’ administration performance to our peers. (PDF, 813.2 KB)
CY2023 CEM Investment Benchmarking Analysis
CEM Benchmarking analyzes IPERS’ investment performance in comparison with peers and the U.S. public average. (PDF, 724.92 KB)
2024 Actuarial Valuation
Cavanaugh McDonald Consulting, LLC completes an annual Actuarial Valuation to analyze IPERS’ financial and actuarial standing. IPERS uses the information to determine contribution rates and more. (PDF, 1,003 KB)