Annual Benefits Statement

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Your Annual Benefits Statement is a summary of your IPERS pension account. The statement includes your projected retirement benefit payment based on specific assumptions. It also details the contributions you and your employer made over the last calendar year, plus interest.


All active and inactive members receive an Annual Benefits Statement by mail. If you don't receive yours, log in to My Account to view your statement and update your address or contact IPERS.

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Differences between Annual Benefits Statements and a benefits estimate
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Your Annual Benefits Statement projections are based on certain assumptions:

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  • A key assumption in calculating monthly benefits is future salary growth. If you are currently employed in an IPERS-covered position, we assumed you will continue working in that position until you begin receiving benefits, and that your salary will increase 3.25% each year. Otherwise, no additional service was assumed.
  • You choose payment option 2 when you retire, which provides a lifetime monthly benefit to you. At your death, your beneficiary receives the difference between the retirement benefits you received and your total contributions, plus interest. For the rest of your career, you remain in your current membership class(es). 

Benefit estimates are generated on demand and can use different salary growth assumptions. The best way to run customized benefits estimates is with My Account. Within My Account, use the Pension Calculator tool under the Estimates tab to estimate your benefit based on changes to your salary increase rate, retirement date, etc. Watch our Estimating Benefits with My Account video to learn how to use the Pension Calculator. You can also contact IPERS to have a benefits counselor prepare an estimate for you.

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Annual Benefits Statements for retired reemployed members

If you are already receiving a monthly retirement benefit and have returned to IPERS-covered employment, your benefit projections will be $0.00. The “Refund Value” section of your statement will show an additional account balance consisting of your reemployment contributions, plus interest. This refund value reflects only your contributions, plus interest. However, reemployed members may be eligible for the following:

  • A one-time lump sum refund of all your reemployment contributions and the employer contributions, plus interest, or
  • A recalculation of your monthly benefit, or
  • A choice between the one-time lump sum or a recalculation of your monthly benefit

To view your contributions online, log in to My Account and click on “Transactions”.